Gina writes in a journal, surrounded by a computer and textbooks.

Build the momentum your Doctorate needs with expert support and a ‘side’ of hassle detangling

Special SUMMER offer!

Six Week Mentoring Package

Have you ever wondered what your summer could look like if you had a clear plan and unwavering confidence in your doctoral studies? Imagine how different it would feel to return from the break not just rested, but significantly ahead.

Unlock Summer Progress NOW!

Don’t let your doctoral journey overwhelm you!

The snags and snarls of doctoral study can create really big blocks for even the most assiduous student.  Getting support to move your study forward is sensible when you’re facing those challenges.  No matter if you’re hoping for intensive personal mentoring to help you create momentum, a supportive community of like-minded people to lean on and learn from, or training on specific aspects of the doctoral process, you’ll find what you need right here.

Doctorates come in all shapes and sizes; you may be doing a traditional PhD or a part-time, work-based Professional Doctorate, or some variation in between. I’ve seen them all and worked with students in all situations.

I’m UK -based and have a deep knowledge of the systems in the UK and Europe (Australia/NZ are very similar, and I’ve worked there too!).  That isn’t to say I won’t be useful if you’re in other regions – but just like you in your study, there are some things I know better than others.

Gina sits on a neutral coloured floor in front of a green plant

The Support You Need for your Doctoral Degree

Do you ever feel like your study is similar to trying to assemble a jigsaw without the picture on the box? You’re trying all the pieces but can’t get any of them to work together? One minute, you’re excited about your progress (yay – a bit of the frame!), and the next, the whole lot falls off the table on to the floor.  Ugh. 

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it alone.  

Imagine having a friend who knows the puzzle and can give you pointers about the colours and forms you’re looking for.  Wouldn’t that help?  That’s where I come in.

I love supporting doctoral students to make progress with their thesis. 

With over 20 years of experience, I’ve helped dozens of doctoral students navigate their journey. It’s not about making it easy; it’s about making it manageable and even enjoyable. Let’s turn that pile of pieces into a meaningful picture.

Effective, ethical guidance to get you back on your feet

You can use my knowledge and experience to make your doctorate less stressful and quicker to finish!

I won’t do it for you, but I will support you as you do the work.  I can help you piece together the processes in your university and guide you as you design, conduct and write up your study.

And I’ll be your ‘critical partner’ as you make progress.

It doesn’t have to be as hard as everyone says.  The magic is in the output, not the pain of the process.

You’ve probably heard it a million times:

Doing a doctorate is supposed to be tough. It’s a rite of passage.

Well, I beg to differ.

Yes, it’s challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a soul-crushing ordeal. The real magic lies in what you produce, not how much you suffer. Let’s focus on the joy of discovery and the thrill of creation.

Let me support you.


Knowing you are not on your own, that someone is ‘really’ on your team is the best thing especially when one is sitting writing, and doubting everything.”

AA, Doctoral Student

“After working with Gina, I am clearly aware of where I am and what I should do next.”


QM, PhD Student

“Gina challenged me to think critically, pushed me to explore new perspectives, and encouraged me to take ownership of my work.”

KB, Doctoral Student

Unlock Your Full Potential.
Say Hello to FUTURE DR-YOU.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the process: whether you are considering applying for a doctoral degree, or you’re in the final stages of write up, the support of an experienced guide will help you make progress faster and with less stress. 

Consider me your doctoral-puzzle-assistant.

Drowing in literature?

Unsure of your methods?

Need a sounding board to work out your results?

Just trying to figure out what to do next?

Doctoral Success Circle

Let’s beat the isolation, build friendships and ensure you never feel on your own again.  This is your doctoral home to build your community, to get answers to those questions that keep you up at night or stop you progressing with your study and to move your study forward at pace, in a safe space.

I have a supervisor!
What more do I need?

Mmmmmh.  I’m a supervisor too.  And I can tell you, without breaking any secrets, that my university gives me exactly 12 hours per year to support each doctoral student.

1 hour per month.

That’s to meet with them, read their work, give feedback, discuss ideas at length, and develop a world-changing contribution.

Not to toot my own horn, but of course, my students get more than that!  But maybe you know people who don’t?  or maybe that person is you?

It isn’t enough to have one conversation a month – or perhaps even less.  How can you get the help you need to keep going when you don’t have time to really go deep on the problem?  And what if you feel they just don’t ‘get’ you? Or you can’t be in meetings when they’re around? Or everyone around you keeps asking ‘haven’t you finished it yet?’ and you have totally lost heart.

See?  that’s why I offer this service.  Because your supervisor – as wonderful and knowledgeable as they are – is strapped for time and resource.  You can use their time to best effect for bottoming the subject specific, deep questions.  The processes, mindset, gremlin-busting support stuff … that’s my jam!

Gina stands next to a basket storage unit

About me

“Gina works hard but will never be an academic”

Thus began my journey into adulthood (thanks, Mr Deputy Head, for that university reference).  It was never going to be an easy journey into the academy for me – and certainly not one that was automatic.

‘Doing a PhD’ was some sort of a pipe dream, then a career necessity and finally, an ‘I’ll show you!’ experience.

The lessons I’ve learned along the way mean that I can help you to avoid (or get through, if you’re already there!) the really sticky bits of the journey. 

Sharing and supporting people is under-rated in the world of academia. I’m on a mission to change that.  Let me support you on your journey to Doc!